
Most people I have met in my life suffer from an ailment. It's one that affects the majority of human beings all around the world. Oddly, though, throughout our entire lives nearly everyone of us actually seek this sickness out. The sickness I am talking about is justification.

All of us have an opinion and ideas we want folks to listen to. We want people to hear our voice. And of course, sometimes we make mistakes; not on purpose or intentional. In all these cases, we each have a need to be justified.

Oxford defines justification as "the action of showing something to be right or reasonable". Think about that for a second. Clearly, we all want to be seen as right. Our opinions, our ideas, our suggestions, our choices. You name it. There is an insatiable desire in each of us to be right.

But what about those times when justification just isn't possible? What if you put yourself out there and then, when you seek justification, it's simply unavailable or sometimes, not given. Is it something you're supposed to force? Answer: NO!

Justification is given. It's not something you can simply take from someone or force them to give to you. No. The best justification comes when you may not even think about it anymore and rest in the satisfaction of knowing you've done your best. You've presented your ideas. You gave your best shot.

There is another justification we talk about a lot at Lighthouse. It's the justification to each and everyone of us who have heard the good news of Jesus and we have been justified by faith. As a follower of Jesus, justification is God's righteous act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while simultaneously declaring the ungodly to be righteous through faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice.

That's the best justification!

So the next time you feel like you need to be justified, rest in the fact that God has justified you. Think of it this way: Just-if-I never did anything wrong!
