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Walking in Your God-Given Gifts

Believe it or not, everyone of us have been given gifts from God.

Since Christmas is coming up, here’s a good analogy to use.

You know, when we give and receive gifts to and from family or friends, they’re more often than not, given to use.

One of our goals at Lighthouse, in addition to learning the basics of education, is to see every one of our students discover and develop the gifts God has given them and to begin to walk in those gifts.

The best gift each of us have been given is found in John 3:16 where it says, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Again, our heavenly Father has given us the best gift of all; eternal life through Jesus!

But, that also serves as a model for us. He wants us to give our best.

The problem many of us have is that we don’t know what our gifts are or, if we do, we’re not walking in them.

More often than not, there are a few simple steps to take that will allow you to finally walk out your God-given gifts.


It’s such a shame how people hang on to hurts or wounds from something someone did to them in the past. Not to minimize what may have happened nor avoid justice or consequences, but holding on to hurt and unforgiveness can negatively affect your future.

When you forgive someone for something they may have done, releases at least two people. The other person AND you. Let it go!

Stay connected

Isolation is one of the biggest self-inflicted enemies we face in our lives. Isolation can occur when we’ve been hurt or wounded and in order to minimize that hurt, we take ourselves out of the situation. Then, unfortunately, we essentially drop out altogether.

Surround yourself with family and friends who encourage and speak positive. In fact, fellow Believers in Jesus can be the best group of people to hang out with.

Don’t be an isolationist. Stay connected!

Stay in the Word & prayer

Being a Christian school, we obviously teach from a Biblical worldview. At Lighthouse Christian School, we are 100% sold out for Jesus and His sacrificial work on the Cross. Because of this, we study the Bible, pray and do our best to walk out God’s commandments as His children.

Reading and studying the Bible daily is an important step in becoming a disciple. Praying is another step that beings us into closer intimacy with the Father. And that intimate place is where you will find your gifts!

Follow these steps and let’s grow together!

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