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Raising Kids with Christian Values

Raising kids with Christian values in modern society is a challenge for many parents. Yet, the rewards for both children and parents far outweigh any tense moments. The best advice centers on making God and Biblical teachings a focal point of the home environment. Here are a few tips: 1. Set a Good Example for Kids Hypocrisy is the enemy of parents who want to set good examples for their kids. If parents do not want their children to smoke or drink beer, then moms and dads need to refrain from participating in these activities. It is pointless to puff on a cigar while attempting to teach a child about the dangers associated with inhaling tobacco smoke. Another way parents can set a good example is to create an atmosphere in which liquor does not exist. A convenient bar off the kitchen obviously conveys the wrong message to innocent minds. 2. Give the Lord a Proper Place Giving kids a sense of God's presence in their lives equals sound parenting advice. The Lord should feel welcome in a Christian home. Families need to pray before meals. Thanking God for food is a simple thing, yet giving thanks teaches kids to remember God's existence. 3. Pray at Scheduled Times During the Week Parents should set up a scheduled prayer night at least one evening per week. Children who grow up in a loving home with prayerful hearts are encouraged to fulfill their dreams. Kids need to understand life from a Christian perspective. 4. Honesty is a Top Policy in a Christian Home Instructing kids to deal with everything in an honest way makes a big difference in how they view the world. The universe is a better place when people are honest. A person who gives honesty a high priority in life is sure to receive respect from others. People who are honest make positive and lasting impressions. Kids who do not tell lies may have more meaningful relationships with others. 5. Teach Children to Ask Questions Raising kids to ask questions helps them achieve better Christian values because they tend to search for deeper meaning in their lives. Contemporary society tends to frown upon those who ask questions. A person who asks too many questions is often a nuisance because it takes extra time to provide answers. However, the right questions lead to solutions that encourage integrity. 6. Kids Need to Understand the Bible Besides enrolling children in Sunday School at church, parents need to make sure their kids read the Bible at home. Kids without knowledge about the wisdom found in the Bible do not have a spiritual map as a guide. Studying the Bible encourages a child to delve more deeply into God's wisdom and eternal love. Another way to raise kids with Christian values is to enroll children in a reputable private Christian school. Children who value Christianity grow into confident adults. Sending your children to a Christian-based school is a great way to reinforce the parenting they receive in your home. Source: