Ten Benefits of a Christian Education
In a world where Christian beliefs seem under assault from all quarters, parents can place all the more value on quiet enclaves of effective education. Simple faith holds its own ineluctable power, but it's always helpful to review in detail why a Christian education is indispensable for children.
Individual attention. Public schools tend to suffer from inadequate teacher-to-student ratios while private schools tend to offer better individual attention to their students. The National Center for Education Statistics reports a ratio of close to 16 pupils per public-school teacher for the years 2003 through 2013, which stands in marked contrast to a reported ratio of 12.5 pupils per private-school teacher in 2011.
Superior academic achievement. A private Christian school tends to attract dedicated teachers who are motivated to teach students who themselves are motivated to learn and excel. Rather than muddle through the lowest common denominator set by a bloated public bureaucracy, teachers and their pupils flourish in congenial surroundings that encourage advanced studies in mathematics, physics, electronics, chemistry and other hard sciences along with the classical liberal arts.
No uncontrolled bullying. Not to put too fine a point on it, a substantial number of public schools are not known for their peaceful learning environments. Longstanding social and legal trends have led to what can only be called chaotic, uncontrolled settings that encourage casual bullying and occasional eruptions of violence. The moral character and strict rules of conduct of a Christian school make this sort of unacceptable behavior a rarity.
Emphasis on shared values. Being surrounded on a daily basis by like-minded individuals experiencing the same Christian education helps greatly with maturing your child into a responsible adult who understands how to live every day in God's love with equally moral neighbors.
Social interaction with peers. Quite apart from the formal aspects of a Christian education, being able to interact and make friends with other practicing Christians is less lonely than struggling through the daily challenges of dealing with ignorant or even outright amoral individuals with no understanding of the message of the Bible and no respect for the supreme sacrifice made by Christ.
Immersion in the word of God. Needless to say, daily exposure to Biblical lessons reinforces the moral development of growing children who need steady leadership from their teachers, a feature sorely lacking in public schools.
Christian educational materials. Public-school materials typically lack a Christian viewpoint and may even actively disparage Christian values. A private school can and will choose curriculum materials that are at least friendly to Christian values, and the school's library can exercise greater care in avoiding inappropriate books.
Respect for family values. Unlike public schools, which increasingly seem to arrogate unto themselves the Biblically ordained role of parents in raising their children, Christian schools recognize the critical role of parents and will keep in close touch with parents over issues arising from their children's moral and educational development.
Disciplined environment. Clear rules and an expectation of self-disciplined behavior from pupils does wonders in encouraging inner reserves of dignity and respect for other people.
Amplification of faith. Children learn from what they see and hear. While steadfast daily faith by parents accounts for the great bulk of showing children by example how to live well, regularly encountering a large number of other people openly exhibiting the tenets of Christianity in all the ways of life deepens the message of hope and faith in God's word and His beloved Son.