Top 3 Mistakes People Make in Transition
Transition has become one of those dirty little words most of us don't like to talk about. However, at one point or another in our lives, we all will experience some form of transition. It comes in many different forms. Career change, divorce, separation or break-up of a relationship, death of a family member or friend, children (and the list goes on and on), make up just a few of the different types of transition that one day, if you live long enough, you will probably experience. And don't think you can avoid it. No one is immune to transition.
When it comes, remember this saying: "Change is hard to live with, but impossible to live without." Simple but powerful!
Once you've resigned yourself to the inevitability of transition, there is a long list of mistakes you should avoid when going through transition. But here are three key mistakes all of us should keep in mind to not make when transitioning from one spot in life to another.
After leading his army across a bridge spanning Italy's Rubicon River, it is said that the Roman Emperor Caesar ordered his troops to burn the bridge, thereby removing any way of escape for either those in his own army having second thoughts about retreating or the enemy army. Although this story may demonstrate the courage and valor exhibited by Caesar, it, unfortunately, has become better known as a negative term to describe the acts of a former friend, a disenfranchised former associate or even a disgruntled employee.
We often burn bridges back to a company or relationship from where we left, either voluntarily or not, when we say bad things about the person or company to family members or friends.
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